Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful natural product for healthy cooking. However, did you know that apple cider benefits also include specific health and beauty benefits for women’s bodies? These benefits can include lowering your cholesterol or eliminating bad breath.

North Coast Organic has been a pioneer in the organic apple cider vinegar market and has over 100 years of experience. We take organically grown apples and use them to produce natural, additive-free apple cider vinegar. Join North Coast Organic as we explain how our product helps women’s health.

womens health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Image Credit: Lil Maria / Shutterstock


Apple cider vinegar is not to be confused with apple cider. Apple cider is similar to apple juice in the way it is made. Still, the difference is that cider uses the entire apple, including the skin and core. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a fermented version of apple cider. The vinegar or acetic acid part of apple cider vinegar provides many uses and benefits, especially if it’s raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

However, to get the full benefits of apple cider vinegar, you need to select an apple cider vinegar with no added sugar, one that uses non-GMO ingredients and is 100% certified organic, as North Coast Organic offers.


Surprisingly, there are many apple cider vinegar benefits for women that you can take advantage of by not only drinking apple cider vinegar but also bathing with it or applying it to body parts. Let’s look at some of the health and beauty benefits that ACV can have on women’s bodies.

Health Benefits

ACV Helps Improve Metabolic Syndromes by Lowering Insulin Resistance

Individuals with metabolic syndromes, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or obesity, have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when the cells in the body do not respond to insulin and do not accept glucose to be converted into energy.

Studies have shown that symptoms of PCOS can be relieved, and weight loss can be achieved by taking apple cider vinegar which is believed to lower insulin resistance. So ACV can help manage diabetes in this way too.

ACV Lowers Cholesterol

Various studies indicate that apple cider vinegar can significantly reduce total cholesterol levels.

Use ACV as a Digestive Aid for Producing Stomach Acid

Stomach acid is essential to break down the proteins you eat. Therefore, ACV benefits include increasing stomach acids before eating protein-rich foods.


If you need relief from hemorrhoids, especially pregnancy-related hemorrhoids, you can add ¼ cup of ACV to a sitz bath for hemorrhoid care.

Beauty Benefits

ACV as a Tooth Whitener

Try mixing ACV with baking soda and water. The foaming action will help whiten teeth.

ACV Can Eliminate Bad Breath and Body Odor

Another little known fact about ACV is that it can battle bacteria. Bacteria is usually the cause of bad breath or body odor. So gargling or rinsing with ACV, mixed with water, bathing, or applying ACV will help with bad odors.

Shampoo Rinsing With ACV

ACV adds shine to your hair, revitalizes the scalp, acts as a detangler, and helps eliminate dandruff.

ACV Tones Skin

Here is where ACV anti-bacterial properties are helpful too. The anti-bacterial properties can help improve acne and, at the same time, remove oil and rebalance skin pH.

Image Credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock


Usually, the best way to take apple cider vinegar is to take 1 to 2 tbsp a day, mixed with water, and spread it out into 2 to 3 doses per day. ACV is highly acidic, so diluting it with water, whether drinking it or applying it topically, is the best practice. If you are trying to gain internal health benefits from drinking apple cider vinegar daily, you should know about some side effects.

If you are taking medicine that has the potential to lower your potassium levels, caution should be taken when taking apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has the potential to lower your potassium levels or worsens already low potassium levels. Also, for people with diabetes, be aware that apple cider vinegar can change insulin levels, so you’ll want to be cautious when taking ACV.


With over 100 years of expertise in the apple cider vinegar industry, you can trust North Coast products 100%.

Our apple cider vinegar product line is energized by solar energy, making North Coast Organic products genuinely organic. Contact us for more information or find a store near you.

Featured Image Credit: Sea Wave / Shutterstock