Applesauce is a nutritious and deliciously versatile food. It can be used in numerous recipes, eaten as a side dish, or served as a nice treat. Keeping applesauce on hand is wise, but at some point, you’ll probably glance in the fridge at a half-used jar and wonder how long applesauce will last after opening.

How Long is Applesauce Good for After Opening?

The good thing about a new jar of applesauce is that it has a long shelf life when stored in a pantry or other dark, dry place at room temperature. North Coast Organic’s applesauce in jars has a shelf life of up to two years. However, once you break the seal, you must refrigerate your applesauce immediately. It will last anywhere from 7-10 days, depending on the precautions you take to keep it fresh.

How to Extend the Shelf Life of Applesauce

There are a few things you can do to extend the shelf life of your favorite applesauce.

Before Opening

Store in a dark, cool place before you open the jar. Maintaining a consistent temperature out of direct sunlight will help protect your applesauce.

Refrigerate Your Applesauce

Applesauce must be refrigerated when opened, but even then, not all spots in the fridge are equal! First, make sure the lid is secured tightly. Don’t place it on the door of your refrigerator. Items placed here are subject to warmer temperatures, especially if the door is opened frequently. A better place to store opened applesauce is on a shelf in the back of the refrigerator to give it a few extra days of freshness.

Avoid Cross Contamination

When placing your jar of applesauce into the fridge, make sure the lid is screwed on tight. This is to ensure nothing else in your fridge gets into the applesauce, which might cause it to spoil at a faster rate, yikes!

How to Tell When Your Applesauce Has Gone Bad?

Sometimes it’s obvious when food has gone bad. However, if it’s only been a week or two and you’re unsure if your applesauce is still good, there are a few quick ways to check.

What does it look like? It’s normal for a little excess liquid at the top of your applesauce, but an odd color is a sign that it is spoiled. Mold is an obvious sign of spoilage, and the applesauce should be discarded immediately.

What does it smell like? A quick whiff that gives off a sweet scent of applesauce means it is probably still good. If there is an unpleasant odor, you’re likely smelling spoiled applesauce, so go ahead and toss it out.

Taste test time! If the applesauce still smells good and looks normal, you can sample a small taste. If it tastes like the applesauce you love, enjoy! If it has a sour or otherwise unusual flavor, it’s best to throw it away.

North Coast Organic Provides You with Only the Best Applesauce

As a premium provider of organic applesauce, apple juice, and apple cider vinegar, North Coast Organic takes pride in using only the highest quality apples and best practices for creating delicious apple products. Specializing in single varietals, you can also find apple juices and sauces made specifically from Honeycrisp, Gala, Gravenstein, and now the new SugarBee apples. Available in 24oz jars, 4oz cups, and 3.2oz pouches allowing you to choose exactly what you need for a recipe or packing in a lunchbox. To learn more about North Coast Organic apple products, contact us today!

Image Credit: KelaVi, Shutterstock