Is apple sauce healthy for you? The answer may seem straightforward, but there are various factors that can impact the nutritional value of the apple sauce you consume.

North Coast Organic is here to delve into those factors and discuss the benefits of choosing a totally organic and non-GMO option for your diet. Don’t be fooled by the assumption that all apple sauce is created equal – join us as we explore the true potential of this tasty treat.

Factors that Affect Apple Sauce Nutrition

If the apple sauce has ingredients, mainly apples, that are organic or non-organic, this can significantly impact the apple sauce’s nutrition. Apple sauce made with non-organic apples may introduce residual chemical traces from pesticides used to help produce the apples, reducing the healthiness of the apple sauce. Let’s look at other factors that affect apple sauce nutrition, such as the levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

The Variety of Apples Used

All apples are not created equally. Some apples, in the flesh and peels, have more antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds than others. Some apples have a higher level of vitamin C than others. So depending on the apples chosen, this can raise the level of nutrition of the apple sauce.

The variety of apples chosen can impact the taste of the apple sauce, and additional ingredients may be needed. For example, suppose a tart apple is used to make the apple sauce. In that case, sugar may need to be added to make it sweeter, diminishing the nutritious value of the apple sauce.

Was the Peel Included in Making the Sauce?

Incorporating the apple peel into apple sauce can increase the antioxidant and fiber content. An apple with the skin intact provides 4.4 grams of fiber, compared to 2.1 grams without the skin. If the apple sauce is made without the peel, it may not qualify as a good source of fiber if it contains less than 3 grams.

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Potential Benefits of Apple Sauce

Apple sauce made from pure, unprocessed apples can provide numerous potential health benefits. Not only can it be a nutritious addition to your diet, but it may also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, support hydration, and serve as a natural sweetener in baked goods. Let’s explore the potential benefits of incorporating pure apple sauce into your diet with North Coast Organic.

Contribute to a Healthy diet

Unsweetened apple sauce can provide numerous health benefits as a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and essential minerals. These nutrients can help protect cells, support the immune system, promote strong bones and muscle function, and support cellular growth and division. Incorporating unsweetened apple sauce into your diet can help support overall health and wellness.

Reduce the Risk of Chronic Disease

Apple sauce may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases due to its antioxidant content and other beneficial nutrients. These include vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and more. Incorporating apple sauce into your diet may help support overall health and potentially improve cholesterol levels and digestion.

It Helps You Stay Hydrated

Apple sauce can help support hydration due to its high water content and electrolyte content. It is especially hydrating when consumed as a puree without added sugars or other dehydrating ingredients. In addition to its water content, apple sauce is also a source of electrolytes like potassium, which can help support proper hydration in the body.

It’s a Natural Sweetener Alternative to Bake With

Apple sauce can be used as a natural and healthier alternative to refined sugars in baking. Its natural sugars add sweetness to recipes while also helping to keep baked goods moist. So next time you’re in the kitchen, consider using apple sauce as a sweetener and moistener in your baked treats.

Beware: Your Apple Sauce Could Be Loaded with Added Sugars

When choosing apple sauce, be mindful of added sugars and carbohydrate sweeteners, as these can be problematic for people with diabetes and can add excess calories to your diet. It’s also important to avoid apple sauce with added preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors, as these ingredients can be harmful to your health. Look for options made with whole, unprocessed apples and free of preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors.

Try Organic, Non-GMO Apple Sauce from North Coast Organic

For over 100 years, North Coast Organic has been proud to offer a range of delicious and healthy organic, non-GMO apple sauces to our customers. Made with a variety of carefully selected organic apples, including Gala, Gravenstein, Honeycrisp, and Sugarbee, our apple sauce is always fresh, pure, and bursting with flavor. With no added sugars or preservatives, our apple sauce is a natural and nourishing choice for any diet. Available in convenient 24-ounce jars, pouches, or cups, our apple sauce is the perfect addition to any pantry.

If you want a high-quality and trustworthy apple sauce, look no further than North Coast Organic. Contact us for more information or to place an order today!

Featured Image Credit: stockcreations / Shutterstock