It’s true! More and more health products are coming in gummy form these days. Once found only on candy shelves, gelatin-based gummies are now being used as a basis for vitamins, dietary supplements, CBD and more.

What’s driving the popularity of gummies? Many people like their chewy consistency and sweet fruity flavors. Gummy vitamins are especially appealing to Gen Z, a generation that was raised on Flintstones vitamins because gummies are easy to take, and they taste great. For people who have difficulty swallowing or just don’t enjoy taking vitamins and supplements in pill form, gummies are easy to chew. And, let’s not forget the fun factor. Gummies can be manufactured into a variety of shapes. Who hasn’t smiled while eating a gummy bear or gummy worm?

Apple cider vinegar gummies

While the tangy taste of apple cider vinegar can be too harsh for some to swallow, apple cider vinegar in gummy form can definitely make it more appealing.

North Coast Organic has long promoted the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar by blocking some of the digestion of food starch, which is particularly beneficial to people with diabetes. It can promote better digestion by raising the levels of good bacteria in the gut. It can assist with weight loss by triggering enzymes that break down fat. It can also help manage heartburn and acid reflux naturally by stimulating stomach acid production. Just recently, researchers have found that probiotics like the ones found in apple cider vinegar have an immune-boosting quality that effectively fights influenza-like respiratory infections and the common cold.

We at North Coast Organic are helping you get your apple cider vinegar in gummy form in two wonderful ways:

First, we’ve developed a recipe for apple cider vinegar gummies, so you can make your own healthy treats at home. Our apple cider vinegar gummies are naturally sweet and simple to make. They can be molded into a variety of shapes, refrigerated for 6-8 hours until set, and then stored in an airtight container or mason jar for up to 1 week. They can also be frozen up to a few months for a refreshing cold treat!

Second, we are working with manufacturers like MeriCal Advantage to bring organic apple cider vinegar gummies to you. MeriCal has recently added gummy manufacturing to their capabilities in Ogden, Utah and Anaheim, California. We are very excited to see MeriCal produce gummies using our organic apple cider vinegar.

North Coast Organic in the forefront of healthy living

You can always count on North Coast Organic to create nutritious, flavorful products that help you lead a healthy lifestyle. We strive to be in the forefront of food innovation, from making apple sauce with probiotics and fruit and veggie pouches to our organic apple sauce drink especially for kids. That’s our commitment to you.

Where to buy North Coast Organic products

If you’d like to purchase our apple sauces, juices, ciders, vinegars, fruit + veggie pouches and other products, we invite you to check out where North Coast Organic is sold at markets and grocery stores near you.

North Coast Organic apple products are made in Sebastopol, CA from certified organic apples. They contain no added sugars, preservatives, colorings or flavorings.