Green apples are an excellent choice for a crisp, delicious snack or a versatile ingredient for your favorite recipes. Whether you prefer Granny Smith, Pippin, or Crispin, there are a variety of green apples featuring a tarter flavor profile than red apples. Whatever your choice, there are many benefits of green apples. As apple connoisseurs, North Coast Organic encourages you to learn about the numerous advantages of adding this nutritious fruit to your diet. 

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Green apples feature an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals that help your body function optimally and contribute to your overall well-being. B vitamins, like B6 and folate, play essential roles in energy production and cell division. Green apples are a great source of Vitamin A, which aids in vision health. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant that supports skin health and wound healing because it keeps the skin cells from getting damaged. Vitamin C can also help support the immune system. Iron is a trace element that aids in raising blood oxygen levels and increases metabolic rate. Potassium, vital for maintaining proper heart health and muscle functioning, is also present. 

Full of Antioxidants!

Antioxidants are natural compounds that work diligently to combat various illnesses and the aging process by rebuilding cells and aiding in cell rejuvenation. This process helps with a variety of roles, such as liver functioning and giving you healthier skin. 

Another antioxidant you will find is quercetin, which has been associated with reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of heart disease. As you incorporate green apples into your diet, you are infusing your body with a steady stream of these protective compounds, helping protect your health and keeping your body resilient. 

Low in Fat

Apples are an excellent food choice for those moderating their fat intake. Not only do they have a low-fat content, but they may also be a good choice for heart health because they collect the fats in the blood vessels and help regulate proper blood flow to the heart. Improved circulation can prevent or reduce the chance of heart disease and strokes. 

If you’re trying to maintain or lose weight, green apples continue to be a smart food. They are low in fat, sugar, and sodium and full of fiber–this can help restrict hunger pains and improve calorie-burning potential.

What’s important to know, as we’re really into apples at North Coast Organic, is almost everything said about green apples can also be translated to red apples as well!

Always Consult with Your Doctor if you Have Any Questions.

We encourage anyone with nutrition or weight loss questions to have an open discussion with their doctor. Your doctor knows your medical history and specific needs and can help guide you in making safe and healthy diet choices. 

Explore what North Coast Organic Has to Offer Today 

North Coast Organic is proud to offer a variety of delicious products created with organic apples. We produce apple sauce, apple juice and cider, and apple cider vinegar from the best apples grown in California, Washington, and Arizona. 

We source the tastiest varieties of apples to curate our distinct flavor profile for our customers. To learn more about our products or our unique process, reach out today!

Image Credits: Evgeny Karandaev/ Shutterstock